Revving Up Your Marketing Strategy -II

In the last edition of my column, I had begun exploring ways in which you could monetize your app and create an effective marketing strategy. In this follow up article we will continue to look at marketing ideas for your application. In-app advertising is an effective strategy and time tested strategy to make money off[…]

Revving Up Your Marketing Strategy – I

Developing an application is no easy task. Yes, there are thousands of exciting tools you can choose from to ease you through it, but coming up with a complete application ready for the market is difficult. You will probably be plagued with doubts about the viability and usability of your application throughout the development process.[…]

Waterfall Methodology: Why it is Still Relevant

A couple of weeks ago I had talked about the wide acceptance of the Agile development methodology by enterprises today. However a large number of application development projects undertaken today still follow the older Waterfall approach. Also known as the linear sequential life cycle model, this methodology follows a contiguous approach. Only after the completion[…]

Appcelerator Platform Update: A review

While Appcelerator’s Titanium is probably one of  their most famous products, the Appcelerator Platform has now been widely adopted by enterprises to build custom business applications. With apps like Facebook Messenger and Instagram being extremely user friendly and well structured, developers have come under immense pressure to develop custom applications of that standard. Appcelerator Platform[…]

Mastering Navigation: The Most Important Part of UI

Android is probably one of the most challenging platforms to develop applications on. Unlike as in iOS application development, Google gives both Android application developers and Android device manufacturers complete freedom to create their product and this has lead to thousands of devices with varied hardware and software specifications. This makes your job as an[…]

Overcoming the ‘Testing’ Barrier

Testing and adding the final touches to an application often presents as quite a  challenge for the application development team. Getting it to the finishing line means creating a product you are completely satisfied with and that in itself is a herculean task. Encountering too many roadblocks? Here are some strategies you can adopt while[…]