Enterprise Mobile Mangement: The Need of the Hour

No longer is it enough for each employee to be allotted a computer in the workplace. With the business world moving head first into app development and web app development, its time you revved up your workplace to keep up with the revolution. And with the huge influx of hardware into your workplace, a whole new dimension has been added to management: Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM). EMM basically comprises of three things: Mobile Device Management, Mobile Application Management and Mobile Information Management.

Mobile Device Management concerns itself with everything related to procuring, deploying, securing, monitoring, integrating and managing mobile devices. It protects the computer network and manages security and functionality of mobile devices. They have provisions for file synchronization and sharing and data security. They can support corporate as well as private devices. While choosing an MDM tool look out for compatibility across platforms and devices, compatibility across multiple service providers, whether it can expand to next generation hardware and update OSs easily and how easily you can add or remove devices from the system.

The next component of EMM is Mobile Application Management or MAM. This deals with the delivering and setting up of software applications. It focusses on issues like licensing, configuration, usage tracking and policy enforcement. One of the major security provisions this tool is expected to provide is the ability to remotely wipe data off the device to protect sensitive information, should it fall in the wrong hands.

Finally Mobile Information Management deals with the encryption of data and setting up of security checks to prevent unauthorised people from accessing information.

There is only one rule to follow while choosing your EMM and that is: Make sure it fits your enterprise like a glove. Every enterprise has their own needs depending on whether they are into content or application development, what policy they follow in the workplace: BYOD or COPE and the travel policies for their employees. For an EMM to work well for you, it must be a perfect fit for your needs. Many providers today, even allow you to customize the EMM according to your requirements. While an EMM is primarily about security, devices and data, an effective management policy will drastically increase the productivity of your workforce. So, what are you waiting for? Get Managing!